
​One aspect I take immense pride in is the customizability of my rental designs. I love working closely with clients to incorporate their chosen theme colors, ensuring that every piece seamlessly aligns with their party’s aesthetic.

As you walk into a room touched by Felicia Luca, you’ll find more than just decor; you encounter stories woven together by the fabric of life. Felicia brings her passion for imaginative design to every unique creation under the Lifestyle Event Designs brand.

The lessons I learned continue to shape and impact who I am every day. I’ve joyfully passed these lessons down to my children and it warms my heart to see the influence they have on their lives.

​Approach entrepreneurship like riding the train of life. Embrace the people who come aboard and stay. Welcome and appreciate people passing through your train car, as they can offer valuable insights and encouragement.

The Goddess-Inspired Floral Mannequin Collection has arrived, captivating everyone with its own unique charm. It is the crown jewel within Lifestyle Event Designs, an enchanting party decor rental company.

Now I am hoping to influence other midlife entrepreneurs to follow their intuition and never look back because with events scheduled where my designs will be featured, I look forward to what the future holds…at my ripe young age.